Slight change of Tact

Apart from poker my next great love is football.  I don't really follow one specific team but rather follow players...That approach might seem strange but it provides me with a lot of enjoyment.  At the moment I am struggling with what is happening in the English Premiership and the fact that some of those major stars are not playing football.
Let me focus on the main three Costa, Coutinho and VVD.  I enjoy watching all three players over the years and any team would like to have them in their side.  I remember my dad talking years ago that no one was bigger than the club....sadly those days appear to be gone.  All three are not playing.  Costa appears to be the worst and I can't see anyway back to Chelsea for him so I would think that Chelsea should just get the best price and move on.  The other two are slightly different.  While you may get some die hard fans hating them forever I do believe that should we get to September 1st and they still are at Liverpool and Southampton that most fans will want them to play and play well.  They will both make their teams better.  However if either team get an impression that either player will not give 100% after this cut off date then they should both be sold immediately.  They get paid a very good sometimes excessive salary to entertain us and at times it is definitely earned however they are employees and a commodity both valued north of £60m so they should tow the line and improve the teams they are with in order to try and win titles and trophies.


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