
Showing posts from September, 2017

NFL Protests

Wasn't sure if I wanted to post about this but then starting reading and listening to others and felt obliged to give my take on things..... First off as a massive Raiders fan I was disappointed in the suggestion that the Raiders spent too  much time worrying about what to do about the anthem than what to do about the Redskins in last nights game.  If anyone watched the game the Redskins were simply the better team albeit it pains me to say it.  Did the Raiders take their eye off the ball for other reasons only they will know individually but I think it is disrespectful to suggest that a well drilled team would be so naive. On the subject of disrespect I heard one commentary that called NFL players mindless thugs and as well President Trump called them SOBs.  Clearly these people don't know too many NFL players.  These are intelligent individuals who are elite level athletes.  Some of them go on to be successful businessmen and television presenters after their successful NFL